Colli Orientali

The hills are our heritage

The DOC Friuli Colli Orientali zone is in the extraordinary hills east of the province of Udine, where an invisible border separates Italy from Slovenia.
Woods and vineyards sink their roots into terrain that emerged in the Eocene, 56 million years ago, with the formation of the Alps.

An infinite variety of microclimates and the favourable exposition of the vineyards at heights ranging from 100 to 300 metres are reflected in the unique characteristics of the grapes and wines produced in this territory, where grapevines have been grown since the 1st century BC, when the Romans developed Aquileia.

Cividale is the ancient Roman Forum Iulii founded between 56 and 50 BC on a Palaeolithic site where iron age remains from the Veneti civilization (into which the Celts merged) have been found. It was the first Lombard city in Italy (568 AD).
After the decline of Aquileia, Cividale became a Patriarcate residence.

Annexation to the Republic of Venice in 1420 declassed the city to a provveditorato. It was ceded to Austria by Napoleon in 1797 following the surrender of the Serenissima and did not become Italian until 1866. It was occupied by Austro-Hungarian and German forces in the 1st the 2nd world wars respectively. It was made a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2012.

Numerous artistic works testify to the city’s historical importance, including the Celtic hypogaeum, the Lombard tempietto (and example of high mediaeval architecture and sculpture), the cathedral (15-17th century), the city hall (14-15th century) and the Palazzo dei Provveditori (16th century), attributed to Andrea Palladio.

Typical Cividale food includes frico, brovada and prosciutto crudo, as well as gubana, a cake containing walnuts, raisins, pine nuts, sugar, grappa and grated lemon peel.
The earliest record of it is from 1409, when it was served to pope Gregory XII on a visit to the city.

Come meet us

Immersed in the vineyards of the Montsclapade cru, Fantin Nodar’s technological winery is open to visitors. Come and enjoy the extraordinary experience of listening to the breathing of the wines as they age in the barrel cellar.
Try them and get to know them.

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